The term "Online Reputation Management" is defined as the act of monitoring, addressing or mitigating undesirable search engine results or mentions in online media for a company or product. As consumers use the internet to Tweet, Chat, Review, and post blogs about a company's products and services, a Google query on your Organization, Service, or Product can now make or break a sale. Whether your the head of Customer Service like
Frank over at Comcast, or the Manager of an IT and Operations Organization - your areas of responsibility are now exposed. No more sweeping things under the rug any longer.
If you think that it can't impact you personally, think again! It is not just companies or brands who get positive or negative remarks online, your professional reputation is at stake as well. With Professional Network sites like
Linked In and
Naymz, co workers can comment positively or negatively about your performance thereby impacting your virtual reputation.
Below are some websites and tools you can use to help manage your brand, company, or idenity online.
Tools To Manage Your Company Name or Brand
Twitter Search - Using this tool, you can find out who is speaking about your company, product, or service. Configurable alerts are available so that you can be emailed whenever your brand is being discussed on twitter.
Google Alerts - Get alerted anytime a page on the web mentions your product, service, or competitor.
Monitor This - allows you to monitor a single keyword across 22 different search engine feeds at the same time.
TrackUr.Com - Can easily deploy your own reputation tracking within minutes. You tell them the names, products, and brands that are vital to you and Trackur will scour millions of blogs, news sites, images, and videos for you. If your reputation is being discussed in the social media, Trackur will alert you.
Moreover.com - News related to your industry. Feeds include retail investor news, clothing industry news, consumer durables news, retail sector news, etc. As well as applicable trade publications.
Brand Watch - The company prides itself on its semantic analysis capability. Some great dashboarding tools.
Radically Transparent - An eBook on Online Reputation Management.
Free Online Reputation Management Beginners Guide - Great review of tips and Tricks for Online Reputation Management.
Create custom RSS feeds based on keyword searches: Feedster.com, Technorati.com, IceRocket.com, Google.com/blogsearch, Blogpulse.com, MSN Spaces, Yahoo! News, Google News, MSN News and PubSub.
Manage Your Identity claimID.com - Works along with openID to verify your identity on multiple websites.
FindMeOn.com - Link all of your networks together and verify your identity so people know it’s your profile.
FreeYourID.com - Uses .name address to sign you up for sites.
Garlik.com - Searches the web looking for mentions of you that might involve identity theft.
MyOpenID.com - Use one username to verify your log in on sites that use OpenID - great for sites where you might otherwise have multiple log ins.
Spyshakers.com - Identity Management System that allows users to access their websites and passwords remotley.
TypeKey.com - Another provider of the OpenID standard.
WordPress.com - Sign up for a free account and use as OpenID
Manage Your Reputation
Naymz.com - Sign-up and invite your invite people to write reviews about you and your work.
Rapleaf.com - Look up your reputation, rate others, and they will be invited to rate you in return.
RepVine - Reference and reputation management combined.
ReputationDefender.com - A service that attempts to help you get things being said online about you removed
TrustPl.us - An online reputation service that ranks based on trust scores.
List of message board tracking services: BoardReader.com, ForumFind.com, Big-Boards.com, BoardTracker.com, iVillage, Yahoo Message Boards, MSN Money
Places to find groups to track: Yahoo Groups, AOL Groups, MSN Groups, Google Groups.
Monitor This allows you to monitor and track keywords over multiple search engines.
Keotag.com A service that allow you to search for tagged blog posts across multiple blog search engines.
Manage Your Online Profiles
Comwat.com - Put your online identities in one place to make it easier to show and find profiles
onXiam.com - This site lets you link all your online identities into one account making it easier for people to find you across the Internet.
OtherEgo.com - Another way to display you online profiles.
ProfileBuilder.com - Very function heavy profile builder that shows off the parts of your profiles you select.
ProfileMat.com - Pull all you profiles together and allow commenting on your profile mat page.
SimplifID.com - One ID for all your online profiles
SocialURL.com - Simple URL to show all your profiles
Venyo.org - Lets you add all of your online activities, including blogs and comments to one page.
Zoolit.com - A landing page to show all your social networks
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