Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Video: Jeremiah Owyang Talks Social CRM, Social Media, and More with Robert Scoble

A Great must see video here by 3 of the best Industry experts on web strategy. Jeremiah Owyang and Ray Wong are two of the best analysts in the tech industry who meet with Robert Scoble to discuss several topics in the Social CRM, Social Media, and Mobile Application space.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

2009 Global Consumer Channel Preferences (Whitepaper By Accenture)

This is probably one of the best Services and Customer reads I have reviewed this year and I think it certainly worth reading when you have a chance. Accenture surveyed global consumers on Customer Experience and Consumer Satisfaction. There are some interesting data points in the study. There is also a lot of Online insight.

Here are the highlights:
  • 68% of consumers cancelled/switched to another product due to Customer Service Reasons. The study illustrates that the online experience is just as important as the Phone experience.
When You Seek Customer Service, how do you go about getting assistance?
In 2009, here were the results (multiple mentions):
  • 85% prefer calling for assistance.
  • 65% prefer sending email
  • 46% of respondents indicated they search the internet for information.
  • 42% utilize a company's website
  • 20% prefer Online Chat.
  • 10% rely on Blogs and social Networks.
Regarding Consumers Posting Negative Comments Online:

Globally, 25% of all consumers will post negative comments online about a bad brand or service experience online. This trend is up and they point out in the survey that Brazil and China are more likely to do this than other countries. CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL SURVEY.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Video: CDC's Social Media Revolution

The Centers for Disease Control recently created a new unit called the National Center for Health Marketing. Like all marketing organizations, its mandate is to change consumer behavior and it has organized an incredibly savvy social media department to do just that. Its first comprhensive national campaign is for the H1N1 Swine Flu outbreak and tightly coordinates its message across virually every kind of social media. The effort is one that many other marketers might do well to study.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Video: Google Launches Realtime Search

Incredible innovation from Google once again. They have launched Google Realtime results with their search tool. Google says the features are not all yet available for all users but you can visit Google Trends to see it in action.

Slides: Social CRM Slides By Deloitte

Great summary of slides outlining the evolution of CRM into the Social CRM space.