Sunday, December 7, 2008

Evernote - The Simplest Way To Remember Everything & Access It Anywhere

As I started my new job this past week, a colleague of mine by the name of Dustin introduced me to what sounded like a great application called Evernote. This application combined with your PC or Mobile phone enables you to capture everything from web clips, photos, videos, and audio by indexing your files in a way that makes the files search able from your PC, The Web, and even your Mobile Phone. The result is that you can capture anything, and access it anywhere! In this blog, I will write about 4 effective ways you can utilize the technology to make your time spent at work or at home more productive.

Capturing Brainstorming Sessions - Have you ever had a brainstorming session using a white board and later had to transfer the results on to a PC or notepad for further documenting? The Evernote client will allow you to take a photo of the whiteboard with your cell phone, and upon synchronizing with your PC - Evernote will translate any letters written on your whiteboard into actual text using Optical Character Recognition. You can then take this text and paste it in your meeting recap, or next requirements document.

Capturing Market Research Data On The Web - Whether your building a business case for a project, or trying to get Research Data on a specific strategy online, Evernote makes aggregating and storing all of your findings a breeze. As you browse the web, all you do is highlight a selected paragraph on the web page and tell Evernote's plugin like interface to store it from within your browser. It takes less than 1 second, and you can continue browsing on other sites immediately. Once stored, it will index it in a database for later review.

Capturing Business Card Information - I have seen Business Card Scanners and Software being sold for over $300.00 at airports and Evernote plus a photo capable cell phone may seemingly be their replacement. By taking a photo of the business card using your mobile phone, Evernote gives you the ability to store its data in digital text format using OCR so that you can add your contacts to your Microsoft Outlook Address book.

Capturing Photos or PowerPoint Data - Although I have not tested this capability yet, the CEO of Evernote claims that the software has the ability to search for words or phrases found in a photo you have taken. So let's say if your at a conference watching a speaker give their pitch using Powerpoint, you can take a snap a shot of the various slides with text, and Evernote should be able to reference the words found in the slides or the photo you have taken. It's almost like automatic tagging without having to do it yourself. Although I have not tested this capability, I can see alot of value in having this as it can make capturing important data at conferences or meetings a breeze. At the very least, the software does having manual tagging capability which also proves to be very useful for files especially audio and video files where automatic tagging will not be available.

Evernote Main Web Site
Download Page For Evernote
Evernote Video Overview

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi John,

I used Evernote some time ago and found it well designed though slow with Firefox. Seems like time to try it again. Am downloading now.

Helpful post.